Completed Research Projects (Summary)

The debate about the release of genetically modified microorganisms as a paradigm for the interdisciplinary formation of judgment of an "Ethics in the Sciences" (1989 - 1992)
Sponsoring: Federal Ministry of Research and Technology(internet-link: "") (BMFT, now BMBF)
Direction: Prof. Dr. Dietmar Mieth, Prof. Dr. Vera Hemleben
Research assistant: Dr. Thomas von Schell (eMail: )

Genome analysis - medical-ethical and social-ethical perspectives (1989 - 1991)
Sponsoring: German Research Society(internet-link: "") (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG)
Direction: Prof. Dr. Dietmar Mieth, Prof. Dr. Peter Kaiser
Research assistant: Dipl.-theol. Karin Istel

On the ethical assessment of the possibilities and consequences of genetic engineering in agriculture, exemplified by herbicide resistance in plant production (1991 - 1993)
Sponsoring: German Research Society(internet-link: "") (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG)
Direction: Prof. Dr. Dietmar Mieth, Prof. Dr. Hans Zähner
Research assistant: Dr. Andrea Stanger

On the problem of the justification and application of ethics
Research assistant: Dr. Klaus Steigleder

On the ethical assessment of the possibilities and consequences of genetic engineering in agriculture: the release of genetically modified baculo viruses and varieties of bacillus thuringiensis in biological pest control (1991 - 1993)
Sponsoring: German Research Society(internet-link: "") (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG)
Direction: Prof. Dr. Dietmar Mieth, Prof. Dr. Hans Zähner
Research assistant: Dr. Barbara Skorupinski (eMail: )

Ethical aspects of the production and keeping of transgenic livestock (1991 - 1993)
Sponsoring: German Research Society(internet-link: "") (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG)
Direction: Prof. Dr. Reiner Wimmer, Prof. Dr. Gottfried Brehm
Research assistant: Dr. Albrecht Müller (eMail: )

Experts' colloquium Microbial degradation of pollutants. Interdisciplinary formation of judgment on the significance of genetic engineering in environmental biotechnology (1992 - 1994)
Sponsoring: Federal Ministry of Research and Technology(internet-link: "") (BMFT, now BMBF), Academy for Technology Assessment Baden-Württemberg(internet-link: "")
Direction: Prof. Dr. Vera Hemleben, Prof. Dr. Dietmar Mieth (in cooperation with the TA-Academy, Dr. Thomas von Schell)
Research assistant: Dipl.-Biol. Christa Knorr (eMail: )

Last modified on 23 March 1997

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German Research Society(

German Research Society(

German Research Society(

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Academy for Technology Assessment Baden-Württemberg(